Testimonial by E.B – Netherlands 
 When I found Maria, I was in desperate need of help and spiritual guidance. I had been dealing with depression for a few years, and the pain and confusion about things that happened early in my life were still very much alive. It was a very dark time in my life and I needed someone who would help me find hope and light again. I truly believe that God showed me the way to Maria, and deep inner healing began as soon as we started working together. She listened like no one ever listened to me before. She prayed with me and listened to God for guidance. Of course deep inner healing takes time and patience and a lot of hard work, but during every session with Maria I felt strengthened, heard and more hopeful. The combination of her knowledge and experience with inner pain and psychological issues, and her trust in God to lead the way was the key to my healing. Life is very different for me now. The depression is gone, much of the pain from the past has been healed and I have a lot of insight now in what caused all these issues in the first place. 
Thank you, Lord, for showing me where to go when I needed help. Thank you, Maria, for your dedication, your warm heart and your passion for hurting people. You are a gift from God.
 Testimonial by E.G.
 I had reservations about seeking counseling but once I decided and started to meet with Maria, I discovered the value of my worth and found that I am not responsible for solving the world’s problems. Going back to my childhood helped me to address the root causes of co-dependency and how it was affecting my life as an adult. Through prayer and seeking God, I have removed myself from toxic relationships and Maria was there to walk me through my journey with God’s love, prayer and healing ministry.
Testimonial by D.A.
 I told a friend I needed help in growing my faith and increasing my hope. I wanted to find some comfort and direction regarding the depression I was experiencing at that time in my life. My friend referred me to Maria, and urged me to call her, telling me Maria had been a great help to her. I called Maria and her response was, can you come in and talk with me today or tomorrow and tell me more? I said, yes… I can come and talk with you tomorrow. That was approximately seven years ago. 

I do remember that Maria quickly explained to me that she would help me get to “the root” of my struggles and help me to examine and explore what was causing me to feel downcast and “stuck” in a discouraging situation. When I met with Maria, she did not rush me, she let me talk, she gave me time to try to express what I was thinking and feeling, and she listened. Maria listens, she is compassionate, and she strives to understand me.

She always reminds me of God’s promises for me. She gently quotes to me what God has said to me through His word. She prays for me and she blesses me! Maria consistently encourages me to call her whenever I need to talk things through and/or bring things before our Lord. She has invited me to grow deeper in my understanding of God and she points out His good works in my life.

She encourages me to look deeper, to ask God for revelation, all while she waits patiently for me to express and explain more. She challenges me to “think about” what and why I am feeling the way that I do. Yes, she gives me “homework!” Work for the “home of my heart.” She urges me to write out my thoughts and feelings, to share with others, to ask God to reveal what it is he would have me know and do. She guides me in asking, understanding what God wants me to know about myself, and what to do with the knowledge God provides that will bring about the life I desire.

Because of Maria, I have learned that I am not the only one in my family who was hurt, or is hurting. Because of her guidance, I have come to
understand myself better and I have grown in my confidence in expressing what I am feeling. She has helped me to identify what I need from the relationships I am experiencing.

Her guidance has helped me to recognize love and identify those who love me and want for me what I want for myself.  She has called me to a higher standard of participation in my relationships. Maria helps me to learn how to see how God has always been and continues to work in my life. Maria invites me to listen to others teach God’s word, she invites me to classes, seminars, workshops, and group counseling and encouragement forums. I have learned a great deal from many of these gatherings. I have learned that Maria knows where to go for help and how to get the help needed for a life increasing in peace.

Recently I expressed my gratitude to Maria, because she is more than a counselor. She is a friend and a confidant. She always empathizes with my feeling, but she never fails to help and gently guide me in doing the work need to understand what I am feeling. She helps me…to find “prospective,” and God’s presence in what I am experiencing. Maria has been “God sent” in to my life and for that, I am truly grateful. She believes my life can be a life filled with joy and a knowing of God’s presence, protection and peace.

I will keep talking to Maria and receiving her counsel because I believe God has worked powerful in my life through her life. I am grateful and
thankful to Him for her!
Testimonial by T.L.
 I have known Maria Berbee for about 8 years. My experience with her has been very professional, heart warming and spiritual. We always start and end with prayer. Maria listens and gives her complete attention. Her advice is very solid, backed up with Scripture, which can be applied. I highly recommend her services to any one who is in need of emotional counseling.
Testimonial by A.C. – Germany
 I have known Maria Berbee now for several years. Our friendship started in Israel where we met the first time. We always had very deep and challenging conversations and I am amazed about the wealth of information Maria has. At the same time she has a great sensitivity toward the Holy Spirit and listens to His voice. It has always been a blessing to talk and share with her and also receive precious counsel from her. She has enriched my life and I am very thankful for that.
Testimonial by A.R.
 Five years ago I went to secular counselors, therapists, and a psychologist seeking relief for my diagnosed PTSD and depression. Talk therapy and medication only seemed to ease some of the pain I experienced when I was married to an alcoholic who left me financially and spiritually bankrupt. I was mentally bereft throughout my long drawn out divorce and unfortunately, I paid “experts” to help me find relief. Since my sessions ranged from weekly to bi-monthly appointments, I sought out support groups to get as many ideas as I could to learn how to find balance in my life. I soon became depressed over the fact that the more I tried, the less progress I made. I met a friend at my church bible study who prayed over me and suggested I make an appointment with Maria. Today, I am positive it was the best decision I ever made.

Maria patiently listened to my painful stories of my failed marriage, my toxic work environment, and my misguided spiritual walk. I learned how to heal my family tree with prescribed deliverance prayers, scripture study, and Christian counseling. I came to understand the root of my depression and PTSD was my weak personal relationship with my savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Maria’s charism became apparent to me when our sessions included calling upon the Holy Spirit to heal me; I was immediately led to break my prescription medication bondage. Friends and family began to notice a difference in my disposition and when they asked me what type of “help” I got. I gave true credit to God. Recently, one of my sisters has asked how she could meet Maria and get the type of treatment I received. Today, I praise God that my sister is helping me to heal our family tree by praying deliverance prayers during her sessions with Maria.

If you are seeking an authentic healing experience, don’t hesitate to contact Maria. She is truly anointed and will definitely bless you with her Christian counseling techniques. May God richly bless you with an opportunity to live a life of freedom, hope, and joy through Maria’s Christian counseling.
Testimonial by S.A.
 I received counseling with Maria for about seven years. She is a kind, loving, and empathetic listener. She gently guides you to think about things that could have influenced your life. I got through an extremely difficult and painful time in my life with her guidance. I couldn’t have done it without her.  Maria lets the Holy Spirit lead, beginning and ending the session with prayer.  I recommend her to anyone who wants a fresh start in life, allowing you to lead a free and God-filled journey. 
Testimonial by M.E.
About twenty years ago I hit bottom.  All my relationships failed, I was depressed and afraid.  I was referred to Maria through Elijah House where she was trained.  I had been aware of the effectiveness of the Elijah House ministry for some time.
Immediately on the first conversation she got right to the heart of my troubles and my life began to turn around.  She came up with spiritual insights that seemed to come from nowhere, but were always right on target.  I went through several months of searing pain as the changes took effect.  Events and patterns in my life began to change.  My relationships did not follow the old patterns.
Today I have been in a good marriage for ten years.  I have relied on Maria to offer corrections along the way.  My wife had a little trouble in the beginning and a few sessions with Maria cleared that right up.  We are both happier than we have ever been in our lives.
If you counsel with Maria, don’t hold anything back and trust her judgement, even if they may seem to come from far afield.  Working with her has let me see how God’s regeneration power is meant to apply.  I owe her my life!
Testimonial by K.L.
I credit God and his work through Maria for literally giving me a life worth living. I now know that for most of my life I was suffering from early childhood trauma and the resulting emotional damage. I desperately hoped to break the cycle as it was difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. I wanted to be married and have a family but relationally, I was a wreck inside. I initially visited with a psychologist and with Maria.  Maria instantly gained my trust with her loving and hopeful demeanor. She doesn’t just listen and ask “how did that make you feel”, she journeys alongside you helping you explore the source of your troubles and using her gifts, experiences and proven tools to help permanently heal and repair damage. Today I have a wonderful relationship with my husband and two darling daughters, none of which I could have fathomed before my healing experiences working with Maria. I was able to climb out of a very dark place into a light that now shines for me every day. She continues to be a part of all of our lives and I consider her a treasured friend.